Timeline examples

Each of the examples has a different setup for the timeline. Each example shows visualisation with the text, slider, bsDropdown and bsButtons object.

Default behavior with some times

One set with some times, randomly gap space.

Maximal time gap Option: maxTimeGap

One set with some times, randomly gap space. Timeline is filled up to a maximum gap space of 3 hours.

Timeline with sub-hourly steps

One set of points of time, with gap space of 20 minutes.

2 sets of times

Two combined set of times. One with a 3 hourly interval, the other with a 12 hourly interval.

2 sets of times and maximal time gap

Two combined set of times. One with a 3 hourly interval, the other with a 12 hourly interval. Maximum time gap between two times is here 1 hour.